I have two of the best jobs in the world. First, I am the mom to four great kids. Secondly, however, I get to give some great news to great families. Each year, we award 12 orthodontic scholarships to kids who need braces but for various reason are unable to afford them, through the Smile for a Lifetime Foundation. I am the one who gets to call their parents and let them know they have been selected from among the applicants. I am the one who gets to go to their schools and see their faces when they are called down to the office to be surprised with the good news. I am the one who gets to see the joy in their eyes as they see one of their dreams coming true. It’s such a blessing to be a part of Smile for a Lifetime. Today was no different. We went to Southeast Middle School to tell Tia B. that she had been chosen as a finalist and would soon be getting braces. This is a competitive process, and applicants are selected based on character, as well as their need. This is something they earn. It’s something to be proud of. It’s something that we hope will last a lifetime!
A Great Day! (written by Jill Reynolds)
Making Smiles Inside & Out
- Reynolds & Stoner Orthodontics